Saturday, March 31, 2007

Here we go!

The only photos that upload are the ones that don't take up that much memory- ie none of the interesting photos. Oh, well. Here are some rather qurky pictures of Prague.

The trams in St. Wenceslas square- part of the efficient public transport system that natives are very proud of.

A really uninteresting photo of St. Wenceslas Square! The building in the far background is the National Museum- and this is a remarkably unflattering depiction of it. The construction in the foreground is very common all around the city- particularly in the city centre which is undergoing a lot of 'facelifts'.

The 'Old Town' entrance of the Charles Bridge.

Charles IV himself! Our host institution is named after him (Karlova Univerzita). He did lots of important things for the Czech lands in his time (the 14th century) most of which I'm forgetting right now ...

St. Vitus- THE Gothic Cathedral, or so we are told. They began construction under Charles IV's leadership but only completed it fairly recently ... (and by that I'm thinking sometime in the 19th century- don't quote me on that).

The flying buttresses of the Cathedral. Haha ... flying buttresses.

And that's it for now! Again, I have lots of more interesting photots but they're too big for my puny internet connection right now. Oh well. Enjoy these and I'll be back with more soon.

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